Books suggested in 2017 by Alexander Shipovalov, SQA expert from Luxoft.
1. SoapUI Cookbook by Rupert Anderson
Packed with practical guidance, this book will show you how to build core SoapUI skills, integrate open source libraries, and code the extra functionality needed to quickly overcome common and advanced API test problems.
Building up your skills, you will progress to more advanced topics such as Groovy scripting, testing secured services, load test concurrency issues, using plugins and developing your own!
So when out-of-the-box SoapUI can’t do exactly what you need or the quick guidance you require just isn’t there, then take, tweak, and use what you need from a broad range of practical examples in this book and customize your way to API testing success with coverage of SOAP, REST, and Groovy.
2. Mastering Selenium Testing Tools by Thomas Sundberg, Ripon Al Wasim
Test the look, feel, and performance of web applications across different web browsers using Selenium for a flawless user experience. The course starts with Selenium IDE, a Firefox plugin that performs a simple record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. A tester aiming for professional output can use WebDriver, an advanced scripting tool that will teach you to locate the elements you need to interact with using their name, id, xPath, or CSS.
3. The Software Test Engineer’s Handbook, 2nd Edition by Judy McKay, Graham Bath
Many books cover functional testing techniques, but relatively few also cover technical testing. The Software Test Engineer’s Handbook-2nd Edition fills that gap. Authors Graham Bath and Judy McKay are core members of the ISTQB Working Party that created the new Advanced Level Syllabus-Test Analyst and Advanced Level Syllabus-Technical Test Analyst, both released in 2012.
4. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook - Second Edition by Unmesh Gundecha
Over 90 recipes to help you build and run automated tests for your web applications with Selenium WebDriver. This book is intended for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers with prior experience in using Selenium and Java to test web-based applications. This books also provides examples for C#, Python and Ruby users.
5. The Cucumber for Java Book by Seb Rose, Matt Wynne, Aslak Hellesoy
Teams working on the JVM can now say goodbye forever to misunderstood requirements, tedious manual acceptance tests, and out-of-date documentation. Cucumber - the popular, open-source tool that helps teams communicate more effectively with their customers - now has a Java version, and our bestselling Cucumber Book has been updated to match. The Cucumber for Java Book has the same great advice about how to deliver rock-solid applications collaboratively, but with all code completely rewritten in Java. New chapters cover features unique to the Java version of Cucumber, and reflect insights from the Cucumber team since the original book was published.
6. BDD in Action: Behavior-Driven Development for the whole software lifecycle by John Ferguson Smart
BDD in Action teaches you the Behavior-Driven Development model and shows you how to integrate it into your existing development process. First you’ll learn how to apply BDD to requirements analysis to define features that focus your development efforts on underlying business goals. Then, you’ll discover how to automate acceptance criteria and use tests to guide and report on the development process.
7. Performance Testing with JMeter - Second Edition by Bayo Erinle
This book is a practical, hands-on guide that equips you with all the essential skills needed to effectively use JMeter to test web applications using a number of clear, step-by-step recipes. The book starts with the basics of performance testing and teaches you how to go about recording your first test. The book then focuses on distributed testing, teaching you how to configure master and slave nodes as well as leverage the cloud and launch AWS instances.
The book ends with some tips and best practices with regard to performance testing such as how to use the debug sampler, H2 database, dummy sampler, and MongoDB sampler, among others.
8. TestNg Beginner’s Guide by Varun Menon
Unit/Functional testing has now become part of every development life cycle. Junit was once the main framework that was used by developers for the purpose of Unit testing when it came to Java. But Junit had certain limitations in terms of execution and features. This book explains about the features and usage of TestNg, a new framework that overcomes Junit’s limitations and provides a lot of extra features.
9. Appium Essentials by Manoj Hans
Explore mobile automation with Appium and discover new ways to test native, web, and hybrid applications. Nowadays, mobile automation is growing at a fast pace; this is where Appium comes in. It is a tool that performs automated mobile testing for Android and iOS.
Appium Essentials is a practical guide that will help you to perform mobile automation testing and gain a good understanding of mobile automation concepts. This book will teach you how to use Appium drives on native, web-based, and hybrid apps.
10. Testing Code Security by Maura A. van der Linden
The huge proliferation of security vulnerability exploits, worms, and viruses place an incredible drain on both cost and confidence for manufacturers and consumers. The release of trustworthy code requires a specific set of skills and techniques, but this information is often dispersed and decentralized, encrypted in its own jargon and terminology, and can take a colossal amount of time and data mining to find. Written in simple, common terms, Testing Code Security is a consolidated resource designed to teach beginning and intermediate testers the software security concepts needed to conduct relevant and effective tests. Answering the questions pertinent to all testing procedures, the book considers the differences in process between security testing and functional testing, the creation of a security test plan, the benefits and pitfalls of threat-modeling, and the identification of root vulnerability problems and how to test for them. The book begins with coverage of foundation concepts, the process of security test planning, and the test pass. Offering real life examples, it presents various vulnerabilities and attacks and explains the testing techniques appropriate for each. It concludes with a collection of background overviews on related topics to fill common knowledge gaps. Filled with cases illustrating the most common classes of security vulnerabilities, the book is written for all testers working in any environment, and it gives extra insight to threats particular to Microsoft Windows® platforms. Providing a practical guide on how to carry out the task of security software testing, Testing Code Security gives the reader the knowledge needed to begin testing software security for any project and become an integral part in the drive to produce better software security and safety.
Recommendation by Laura Maria Burticioaia
This book will help on your professional development plan. If you are working on automation testing department, you need to get more in touch with some basic testing knowledge.
11. Trends in Software Testing by Hrushikesha Mohanty, J. R. Mohanty, and Arunkumar Balakrishnan
This book is focused on the advancements in the field of software testing and the innovative practices that the industry is adopting. Considering the widely varied nature of software testing, the book addresses contemporary aspects that are important for both academia and industry. There are dedicated chapters on seamless high-efficiency frameworks, automation on regression testing, software by search, and system evolution management. There are a host of mathematical models that are promising for software quality improvement by model-based testing. There are three chapters addressing this concern. Students and researchers in particular will find these chapters useful for their mathematical strength and rigor. Other topics covered include uncertainty in testing, software security testing, testing as a service, test technical debt (or test debt), disruption caused by digital advancement (social media, cloud computing, mobile application and data analytics), and challenges and benefits of outsourcing. The book will be of interest to students, researchers as well as professionals in the software industry.
Recommendation by Laura Maria Burticioaia
This book will help on your professional development plan. If you are working on automation testing department, you need to get more in touch with some basic testing knowledge.
12. Learning Python Testing by Daniel Arbuckle
Automated testing is the best way to increase efficiency and decrease the defects of software testing. It takes away much of the effort on your part so that you can find bugs early and easily. The Python unit testing framework makes it easy to write efficient automated test cases in Python. Applications involving many paradigms and styles can be very complicated to test, but with the right tools, testing becomes the simplest part of the development process.
This book starts with a short introduction to testing, and then introduces the doctest tool, both in terms of practicalities and how it fits into the testing environment. From there, the discussion proceeds to unittest.mock and mock objects, and to unittest. Next, Nose is introduced and discussed. Later on, focus turns from the tools themselves toward best practices and disciplines of testing. Finally, the integration of testing with existing build processes and toolchains is covered. By the end of this book, you will know how to use automated testing quickly and easily and in a way that helps catch bugs early and fix them.
Recommendation by Laura Maria Burticioaia
This book will help on your professional development plan. If you are working on automation testing department, you need to get more in touch with some basic testing knowledge.