Naming Is Hard
06 Jul 2021
Names exist outside your code
- Headings on reports
- Emails
- Prompts
- Human conversations about the system
Use the same words/names in all contexts
- Everyone should call things by their proper names, everywhere
Don’t use the same words for different things
- Be arbitrary: a certification expires but a coupon becomes invalid
- Then stick to it
Don’t Invent Business Words
- Naming pieces of a function is hard
- Avoid pre/post and other “dependent” names
- Unless the business uses them
- Prefer single English words like Save or Location to implementation-focused words like UpdateConfigFile or StorageCoOrdinates
Don’t Mismatch Natural Pairs
- Begin goes with end, not last (last goes with first)
- Create goes with destroy, not cleanup
- Open goes with close, not release
- Next goes with previous, not rewind
- Put goes with get, not retrieve
- Source goes with destination, not target
Some Heuristics for Functions
- Verbs Help Functions Make Sense
- Order Matters
- Tools Matter
- If similar functions all start the same
- They are listed together in IDEs that show alphabetical lists of functions
- They may be sorted together by tidiers that do so
- You may have to type more of them before you can autocomplete
- Parameters
- They are local variables in the function scope, so you name them with that in mind
- Never shadow member variables, but please also don’t argx
- They are cues to the function caller - Never omit them in headers
Classes Are Nouns
- Anything ending in er (et al) is suspect without a noun
- Don’t overdecorate - Prefixes such as project names are clutter
- Don’t list the contents
Traditional Member Function Names
- If you put real work in a constructor or a destructor, others will know when it happens
- We recognize get/set for better or worse
Some Heuristics for Local Variables
- Rarely, Shorter is Better
- Most of the Time, Longer is Better
- Focus on the purpose of the variable, not what it holds
- Consider the greppers
- Abbreviations are generally bad
Some Heuristics for Templates
- If you write a templated function, it’s a function, so use those approaches
- If you write a templated class, it’s a class, so use those approaches
- Typename Names:
- Only one? T
- Two? Please be meaningful
Better Naming
- Care about the code you write, and the people who will read it
- Think about the purposes functions, classes etc serve and how they are used
- Don’t be paralyzed by being unable to name something at first
- Demand good names from yourself and those around you
- When you learn what something is, fix its name
- When you change what something is, change its name
- Use consistency and story telling to guide your choices