C++ API Design
12 Feb 2023
Never return a raw pointer
- Raises questions: Who owns it? Who deletes it? Is it a singleton global?
- Consider some kind of wrapper (owning_ptr, non_owning_ptr) to document intent.
Consistent Error Handling
- One consistent method of reporting errors in your library.
- Strongly avoid out-of-band reporting (get_last_error() or errno)
- Make error impossible to ignore (no returning an error code!)
- Never use std::optional to indicate an error condition.
- Consider std::expected
Avoid easily swappable parameters
Avoid implicit conversions / use strong types
Fuzz your interfaces
- Should be run with something like address/undefined sanitizers enabled
- Uses your API in ways you never would
- Can be used with any API with creativity
- Help discover patterns of misuse internal to your API
- Use better naming
- Use [[nodiscard]] (with reasons) liberally. Any non-mutating function should be.
- Never return a raw pointer
- Use noexcept to help indicate what kind of error handling is being used
- Provide consistent, impossible to ignore error handling with in-band reporting of what went wrong
- Use stronger types, avoid implicit conversions, use explicit constructors
- Avoid default conversions
- (Sparingly) delete problematic overloads / prevent conversions
- Avoid passing pointers (only to be used for single / optional objects)
- Avoid passing smart pointers
- Enable constexpr unless you have really good reason not to