4. Pick the mext most valuable component and start the migration.
Success Pattern: Collaborative Discovery
Success Pattern: Tracing Use Case Entrypoints
Success Pattern: Rich Models
Success Pattern: Strangler Facade
5. Finish that migration and go back to 4.
Success Patterns summary
Start with creating a new target picture based on strategic and economic factors. For us Wardley Maps, Strategic DDD and Team Topologies worked.
Realign the organisation around the new system architecture. Inverse-Conway Maneuvers worked for us, but it is not for everyone since it isa huge social perturbation.
Measure an analyze the code, the behaviours and risks before diving into implementation. You’ll often find surprises!
Design your new APIs using collaborative modelling and modern approaches. In the end, that’s what modernization is all about.
Leverage observability platforms and other tooltip to help find the entry points to the use cases you want to tackle - by analyzing the traces from the DB to the code entry-points.
Tackle each of entry-points with the newly designed Strangler Facade. We used the Transactional Outbox pattern and asynchronous event integrations successfully.
Continue while it is valuable for the organisation, but constantly inspect and adapt.