Selected Links
- 20 ABI (Application Binary Interface) breaking changes every C++ developer should know
- Top 25 C++ API design mistakes and how to avoid them
- Top 10 C++ header file mistakes and how to fix them - A CODER'S JOURNEY
- Top 20 C++ multithreading mistakes and how to avoid them - A CODER JOURNEY
- Bartek& coding blog: The Pimpl Pattern - what you should know
- Bartek coding blog: Notes on C++ SFINAE, Modern C++ and C++20 Concepts
- Choosing a Modern C++ stack
- GitHub - shafik/cpp_blogs: C++ Blogs (plus other stuff we should care about like undefined behavior)
- GitHub - shafik/cpp_youtube_channels: Listing of C++ Youtube channels for conferences and user groups
- C++11 FAQ
- C++ FAQ
- Hello World with C++2a modules – Arthur O Dwyer – Stuff mostly about C++
- Bartek coding blog: C++ 17 Features
- Template meta-programming: Some testing and debugging tricks Ivan Čukić
- The Developer Ecosystem in 2020: How C++ is Doing – CLion Blog JetBrains
- C++ Truths
- cpphints Some known and less known c++ snippets
- My tutorial and take on C++20 coroutines
- Guide to predefined macros in C++ compilers (gcc, clang, msvc etc.)
- C++ Patterns
- Option Summary (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))
- Awesome C++ LibHunt
- IndieGameDev Solo, Hobby, and Indie Developers
- C++ advanced topics for experienced C++ devs - Incredibuild
- A Comprehensive List of Educational C++ Videos in 2022 hacking C++
- Andrzej C++ blog Guidelines and thoughts about C++
- - Question #111
- Pikuma: How to Make Your Own C++ Game Engine
- C++ Programming Language · Learn how to build blazing fast software
- Efficient Programming with Components
- 1. Embedding Python in Another Application — Python 3.10.4 documentation
- Learn Contemporary C++ Concise&Visual Examples hacking C++
- C++ Core Guidelines
- C++ By Example Code Examples with Simple Explanations
- Memory management does not have to be complex
- Awesome C/C++
- Use compiler flags for stack protection in GCC and Clang Red Hat Developer
- Templates in C
- Top 50 C++ Interview Questions (2022) - GeeksforGeeks
- talks everything C++
- Collecting the best C++ practices by Andrey Karpov Medium
- 60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
- Decoding C Compilation Process: From Source Code to Binary