C++ Design for Concurrency
06 Oct 2023
Scheduler (Abstraction 1)
Sender (Abstraction 2)
- Describe work
- Responsible for scheduling work on execution resources (threads, GPUs, …)
- Sends work to be done in place
- Monad (send a value)
Receiver (Abstraction 3)
- Where work terminates
- Value channel
- Error channel
- Stopped channel
Basis of control
- Sequence
- Decision
- Recursion
To prevent bugs
- Elimininate explicit synchronization
- Eliminate OS-level deadlock
- Eliminate data races
The Cost
- Use the framework for all synchronization
- Avoid shared mutable state
- Change your design approach
Framework problems
- There can be data race
- There can be deadlock
- Dropping messages
Design guidelines
- Focus - Each microservice should be focused on one task
- Independence - Microservices should not overlap in their functionality
- Value Types - For the messages
- Avoid blocking - Replace blocking calls with separate microservices
- State Machines - Each microservice can be modelled as a single-thread state machine