Mistake: Unclear Project “Contracts”
- Is this a “real” project?
- What is for?
- How does it compare to “other_project”?
- Is this project supposed to build this way?
Instead: Have a README
- Describe the interfaces of your project there
- While your are at it, add the other basics
- Introduction
- Goals and scope
- Developer documentation
- contributing guide
Mistake: Inconsistent/Claimed Project Name
- Your project needs to be well-identified - when downloaded, released, signed
- ⚠️ Names like util and db
- ⚠️ Three-letter-acronyms!
- ❌ Incomplete forking
- ❌ Ad-hoc vendoring
- ⚠️ Changing names =~ forking
Instead: Do some homework
Looking for “zerocode” in arbitrary C++ packaging ecosystems:
- ArchLinux AUR: none
- vcpkg: none
- Conan Center: none Verdict: Seems unclaimed!
Other languages?
- none
- PyPI: none
Mistake: Neglecting Library Filenames
What: zerocode given libzerocode.a or
- ⚠️ -L/usr/lib -libzerocode.debug
- ❌ -L/usr/lib -lzero/code
- Header-only libraries claim their filenames!
Instead: Name your library files after your project!
- ✅ L/usr/lib -lzero-code
- ✅ L/usr/lib -lzero_code
- ✅ L/usr/lib -lzerocode
- ✅ L/usr/lib/debug -lzerocode
- ✅ /usr/lib/libzerocode.a Assume case insensitive filesystems!
Mistake: Ignoring Users with Build Systems
- Hi! We’r almost everyone!
- We reference your project in our build configurations
- No ecosystem-wide interop yet
Instead: Define a Build System Identity
How do build systems describe you as dependency?
- zerocode::zerocode from zerocode-config.cmake
- zerocode maps to zerocode.pc
If you CMake:
- install(EXPORT … namespace zerocode::)
If you don’t:
- Consider generated CMake anyway
- Ship pkg-config metadata if you target POSIX
- Help drive convergence:
Mistake: Unconsidered Header Identity
These are all “valid” references to one header
- /usr/include/zerocode/core.hxx
Contents of libzerocode-dev!:
#include <zerocode/core.hxx> #include <core.hxx>
Instead: Namespace your headers
- ✅ #include <zerocode/core.hxx>
- ✅ #include “zerocode.h”
- ⚠️ #include “config.h”
- ⚠️ #include “core/utils.h”
⚠️ #include
- Ensure “zerocode/core.hxx” exists in your repo!
- Be consistent in your codebase!
Mistake: Invented/Ambiguous File Extension
- How do identify file as Java, Python, Go, … ?
- Ask the build system? Best-effort lexxing?
Instead: Use a Language-Specific File Extension
Define your files as being implemented in a specific language
- ✅ zerocode.cxx
- ✅ zerocode.hpp
- ✅ zerocode.c
- ⚠️ zerocode.h
- ❌ zerocode
- ❌ zerocode.codegen
Mistake: No Correctness Contracts
- Usefulr projects will get ported, patched
- We need support helping determine correctness
- Users
- Package maintainers
- Contributors
- Modern build system have standard test hooks!
Instead: Provide tests
- Some accurate, reliable tests are better than nothing
- Define at least the contracts you can commit to
- If someone patches your project, did anything break?
Mistake: Little/No Build Support
- ❌ No build instructions
- ❌ Source files and a README
- ⚠️ Bespoke build systems (like Makefiles)
Instead: Have a Build System
- If you don’t have strong opinion, use CMake
- ✅ Portable
- ✅ Minimal dependency list
- ✅ Test workflow
- ✅ Install workflow
- ✅ Packaging integrations
- Otherwise have a simple project structure
Mistake: Overspecifying Build Rules
Many choices must to be made before environment provision
- Architecture tuning
- dependency pinning
- Compilation toolchain
- Standard version
- Thread sanitizer
- Hyrum’s law
Mistake: Overspecifying Build Rules - CMake Edition
- ❌ Hardcoding CMAKE_* variables
- ⚠️ Fiddling with build types in CMakeLists.txt
Instead: Defer to “Higher Level” Contexts
- Invest in dependency management tools
- Monorepo
- Packaging system
- Inject more into your build
- CMake toolchain files
- Analogous : Inversion of Control
Mistake: Treating Warnings as Errors
- ⚠️ What does “all warnings are errors” mean?
- ⚠️ What about flaky “-Wall” warnings?
- ❌ Have you tested that specifically? What about new compilers to come?
Instead: Allow Choice Per Workflow
- ✅ Support in build system instead
- ✅ Use CXXFLAGS to match CXX
- ✅ Drive diagnostics from